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You need a quality website, whether you do all your business online or perform a combination of online and offline activities. Outdated websites are a costly mistake. Your search ranking is detrimentally impacted. And when potential customers do find you, they’re more likely to leave right away if your site doesn’t offer a quality experience.

No single element will make or break a website. The following top 10 considerations work together to improve performance and ranking. This is key in boosting your website traffic through higher visibility. Of equal importance, these features encourage engagement with your visitors.

1. Branding Integration

Give your customers a seamless experience in every interaction. Create a website that incorporates all the important features of your brand. Ensure it works cohesively with your offline persona. This is about more than colors and logos. Your brand tells consumers who you are, what you offer, and why they need you.

2. Clean, High-Quality Content

Helpful, unique, informative content is still integral to successful SEO strategies. Both copy and presentation are important in your web design.

3. Smart Visual Hierarchy

Organizing your content for ease-of-reading encourages visitors to remain on your site. Alignment, whitespace, contrast, proximity, style, and font are a few of the things to consider in smart visual hierarchy. A creative agency understands how to prioritize and size these elements to strategically draw the eye.

4. User Experience (UX) and Site Architecture

Your target audience should be able to visit your site, find what they’re looking for quickly, and complete their online goals easily. This is good User Experience in a nutshell. Making UX happen requires efficient site architecture.

5. Load Speed

Site speed is an important part of the Google ranking system. Visitors demand that web pages load quickly. Too slow and they’ll leave, giving you a high bounce rate and a low average page visit.

6. Title Tags

Help people find you with effective title tags. These tools need to work well for both the search engines and your human audience. Relevancy and compelling copy are vital for clicks. A skilled website company understands how these work to help drive traffic.

7. Responsive Web Design

Responsive web design benefits load speed, search engine optimization, and UX. Half your visitors are on a desktop, while more than 40% are using mobile devices. Deliver a quality experience, no matter what device they’re using.

8. Quality Links

Link-building has evolved. You need quality over quantity. Authoritative links are essential.

9. Secure Website – HTTPS

Website security is non-negotiable in today’s world. Consumers must be able to trust that their personal information is safe. And you need to protect against cyber attacks.

10. Bonus Optional Features

Machine learning technology is helpful in marketing. Nearly three-quarters of voice-activated speakers owners use their devices daily. Capture their business with voice search options on your website. Add chatbots to your design to deliver better customer experience. You can also add numerous personalization features through this tech.

Turn to a digital agency for custom web design you can rely on to incorporate all the features you need. Contact BOWEN to discuss your SEO and web design requirements.

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